Monday, May 15, 2006

Predicting the Next President

Predicting the Next President, by Scott Adams from the Dilbert blog:
"Usually it’s obvious who is going to be the next president of the United States. First, the media decides for us who will be the nominees for each party. Then the voters elect the one who makes the most outrageous promises. That’s called leadership, and we like it. This next election will be interesting. Most of the likely suspects are totally unelectable.

Hilary Clinton – Too divisive

John McCain – Too ugly

Colin Powell – Too smart to run

Al Gore – Too charisma challenged

Jeb Bush – Too soon

Joseph Lieberman – Too whiney sounding

Wesley Clark – Too tiny looking on TV

Howard Dean – Too crazy

John Edwards – Too goofy

Almost everyone else is too lightweight and/or too unknown. That leaves us with one candidate that can win: Joseph Biden. Who? He’s a tough-talking Democrat with plenty of senate experience. But the only thing that matters is the tough-talking Democrat part. He tough-talks better than anyone I’ve seen. He appears genuinely angry about"

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