Thursday, August 31, 2006

NYT: Police Chiefs Want Federal Help in Crime Fight

WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 - Mayors and top police officials from around the nation urged the federal government on Wednesday to engage in a more coordinated effort to combat a recent increase in violent crime.

At a meeting here organized by the Police Executive Research Forum, a research and public policy group, the officials said a spike in the rate of violent crime, for aggravated assaults, robberies and murders, reflected a growing crisis.

"Crime is coming back," said Chief William J. Bratton of Los Angeles, who was formerly police commissioner in New York City.


Mayor Douglas H. Palmer of Trenton, vice president of the United States Conference of Mayors, called for more debate on crime.

"We need a national movement that recognizes that while homeland security is important, hometown security is equally important," Mr. Palmer said. "I'm hopeful that we can come up with a blueprint for making violent crime an issue in the 2008 presidential election. We want to put this on the front burner so that candidates will talk about it with the same focus that they put on terrorism."

Full story:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An old timer here. In the '50 the saying was "Let George do it". That was because the state and local governments were not doing their job. George did do it and more so each day. Today there is no separation of federal and state/local governments. In the mean time the feds are messing everything up, things are done for either political payoffs, gain votes and just plain greed. We have been given up our rights all along. To the locals I ask why are you not doing your job?