Tuesday, September 05, 2006

NYT: USDA intervenes in horse torture

Horse Show Ends in Uproar Over U.S.D.A. Inspections

As pleased as I was to see the USDA enforcing the laws it has available, it is heartbreaking to read the practices (boots and ankle chains on the horses to force a peculiar gait for the benefit of horse show audiences) that are still permitted. I would love to have a conversation with the people who defend themselves by noting that the ankle chains (legal) can cause scarring similar the the outlawed practice of "soring" (burns, cuts, injected chemicals, and caustic or blistering agents applied to the horses' ankles).

Sickening and absolutely indefensible.

If you'd like to thank USDA secretary Johanns for their enforcement of the law (details are in the article linked above), you may do so here.

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