I know I have to say something about Ted Haggard, but I don't even know where to start. Here's a guy who started and grew a 14,000- member church, and met with the Bush admini- stration on a weekly basis. He associated with leaders of the most vehement of gay-bashing organizations, Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council.
There is this very short video of Haggard (from the frightening documentary "Jesus Camp" about American madrassas), apparently confronting his own homosexuality. There's this May 2005 Harper's profile of him.
One pastor blames Haggard's wife, noting that wives of preachers often let themselves go, assuming that they don't have to work for their husbands' fidelity (I am not kidding!). Then there's David Frum, who thinks it's more moral to be a hypocritical homosexual than an honest one (apparently there is an unwritten commandment about homosexuality that trumps the one about false witness).
So there you have it folks. It doesn't matter how often it becomes clear that gays can be conservative, and even religious, and still be driven by their innate sexuality. It doesn't matter how many hyper-homophobic politicians, preachers, and priests are outed (Rick Santorum -- your day is coming!). The U.S. is so hung up about sex, and particularly gay sex, that it was easier for Haggard to admit to buying the deadly, addictive, illegal drug that is killing people and truly ruining families, than to admit to being gay. His followers will continue to put their blinders on and cover their ears and insist that these are anomolies, and move on to the next charismatic charlatan.
On the bright side... Doogie Howser came out. :-)
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